Home FEATURED RESEARCHES Global child deaths reach historic low in 2022 | UN report

Global child deaths reach historic low in 2022 | UN report

by Nirdesh Baral

Global child deaths reach historic low in 2022 | UN report : Health experts and officials from the United Nations Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation (UN IGME) have announced a significant milestone in child survival rates. The number of children who died before their fifth birthday has dropped to 4.9 million in 2022, the lowest in history. This achievement reflects the dedication and hard work of individuals, communities, and nations in providing quality healthcare services to children around the world.

Despite progress, an estimated 4.9 million children died before their fifth birthday somewhere in the world, or 1 death every 6 seconds

UN Report

The progress in child survival is evident, with the global under-5 mortality rate declining by 51 per cent since 2000. Several countries, including Cambodia, Malawi, Mongolia, and Rwanda, have made remarkable strides in reducing child mortality rates by over 75 per cent. This positive trend demonstrates that with proper resources and investments in primary healthcare, significant improvements in child health and well-being are achievable.However, despite this progress, there is still much work to be done to prevent all unnecessary child deaths. Tragically, millions of children, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia, continue to lose their lives to preventable causes such as preterm birth, pneumonia, and diarrhoea. Access to quality healthcare services, vaccination programs, and essential interventions remains crucial in saving the lives of millions of children worldwide.

The key to further reducing child mortality lies in strengthening healthcare systems, investing in education, and ensuring decent working conditions for healthcare workers, including community health workers. These dedicated professionals play a vital role in reaching families with life-saving interventions and must be adequately supported and compensated for their crucial work.While the progress in child survival rates is encouraging, challenges such as inequity, economic instability, and the impact of climate change continue to threaten child health worldwide. It is crucial to prioritize investments, collaboration, and a focus on ending preventable child deaths to ensure that all children have access to quality healthcare services, regardless of their geographic location or socioeconomic status.

As we work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals related to child mortality, it is essential to address data gaps and improve statistical systems to better monitor and track child health outcomes. By prioritizing the health and well-being of children worldwide, we can create a future where every child has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.

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