Home Health Update Human Rights Day | Dec 10 | Know The Theme

Human Rights Day | Dec 10 | Know The Theme

by Nirdesh Baral

World Human Rights day is celebrated in December 10 of every year to celebrate the historic achievement of day when United Nation General Assembly adopted United Declaration of Human Rights in Dec10,1948. United Declaration of Human Rights marks as an emblem for proclaiming rights attained as being human and state no one shall be discriminated in terms of sex, race , color , language ,religion and more.The declaration of Human Rights is available in more than 500 languages making it one of the most translated document.

What is theme for Human Rights Day 2020?

The theme for Human Rights Day 2020 is Recover Better – Stand Up for Human Rights with the hope to create equal opportunities for all, address the failures exposed and exploited by COVID-19, and apply human rights standards to tackle entrenched, systematic, and inter generational inequalities, exclusion and discrimination.

What were themes for Human Rights Day in past years ?

Human Rights Day in past years were celebrated with themes as
2019: Youth Standing Up for Human Rights
2017-2018: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights turns 70
2016: Stand Up for Someone’s Rights Today
2015: Our Rights. Our Freedoms. Always.
2014: #Rights365
2013: 20 Years Working for Your Rights
2012: My Voice Counts
2011: Celebrate Human Rights!
2010: Speak up, Stop Discrimination
2009: Embrace Diversity, End Discrimination
2007-2008: 60th Annversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2006: Fighting Poverty – a Matter of Obligation, not Charity
2005: Torture and the Global Efforts to Combat it
2004: Human Rights Education

United Declaration of Human Rights

United Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is one of the greatest achievement for mankind that ensures equal right as human ensuring no-one shall be discriminated on the basis of gender,race,color,language,religion and more. UDHR is the most translated document over 500 languages and comprehensively describes every aspects of human rights and safeguards right of minorities and vulnerable population. The documents consists of Preamble and 30 Articles (Article 1 -Article 30). All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Aligning COVID-19 with Human Rights

It has been clearer that this pandemic has hit us hard shaking our economy and livelihood . With the progress of time, world is now adopting The New Normal. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased rich-poor gap even more and reverted humanitarian and health aids that has been running for public health benefit in low and middle income countries. This year United Nation urges following steps to align human rights with COVID-19 pandemic. 1. End Discrimination of any types

UN has been advocating human right as the basic assets or entity. No one shall be discriminated on the basis of job, skill,work nature , race , ethnicity, language and in any form

2. Address inequalities

To recover from the crisis, we must also address the inequality pandemic. For that, we need to promote and protect economic, social, and cultural rights. We need a new social contract for a new era.

3. Encourage participation and solidarity.

Change is never a one man movement.It takes combine effort of many individuals and communities demanding a strong dedication and more.Hence , UN urges to participate in this global movement and eradicate discrimination of any kind and form through active public participation of stakeholders, government officials,social activist & community peoples

4.Promote Sustainable Development

We need sustainable development for people and planet. Human rights, the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement are the cornerstone of a recovery that leaves no one behind.

Download UN Declaration on Human Rights

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