Home Health Events Call for Participation | 24-24 Youth Campaign to End TB

Call for Participation | 24-24 Youth Campaign to End TB

by Subin Shrestha

Nymat Nepal with the technical support of National Tuberculosis Control Center and World Health Organization Nepal presents “24-24 Youth Campaign to End TB”  and are announcing a call for you to participate.  

Nymat Nepal is a unique youth-led non-governmental and not-for-profit organization, dedicated to adopting the WHO 1+1 Initiative and emerged as a pioneering force, mobilizing young individuals for tuberculosis awareness and advocacy in Nepal. Since our inception, we are guided by our core principle: PAY (Public communication and awareness, Advocacy on TB and kindred agendas, and Youth mobilization to End TB).

The 24-24 Youth Campaign unleashes the untapped potential of 1000 young change-makers to become #YouthTBadvocates in the fight against TB through a dynamic blend of capacity building, targeted advocacy, and social media engagement. As TB causes burden in people’s lives every day, we believe TB needs continuous advocacy, 24-24 signifies the unwavering commitment of young people to commemorate World TB Day of 2024 i.e., March 24 for a 3-month long advocacy and awareness campaign. 

Fueled by a potent mix of education, advocacy, and empowerment, the 24-24 youth campaign will:

  1. Equip a network of #YouthTBadvocates: Through comprehensive orientation and task-based training opportunities, we will equip young leaders with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to become effective TB educators and advocates.
  2. Amplify voices and spark conversations: From community to classrooms to online platforms our #YouthTBadvocates will ignite conversations, raise awareness, challenge misconceptions, and break the stigma surrounding TB. 
  3. Mobilize actions, create impact: With practical tools and guidance, young people will lead initiatives that promote access to treatment and community support for TB patients.

Campaign Duration: 3 months

Target Participants: 1000 young people aged 15-34 years old.

If you are interested in his historic campaign, then fill up the form below to register, and be the part of change.

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